Ice Bro Lite

Extended manual for Ice Bro Lite

Project maintained by Sakrac Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Console View

This is a combination of the VICE text monitor, if enabled in VICE, and some extra commands for IceBro Lite.

To use the console view the remote monitor must be enabled in VICE in addition to the remote binary monitor. This enables a few more features not available in the binary protocol. Tracepoint output will be filtered into the Trace View instead.

Type help or ? for a list of VICE commands when connected to VICE, or type CMD for a list of IceBro Lite commands. VICE text monitor output will be shown in this view.

Vice Console IceBro Commands

type cmd for more information on some commands.

Remember command

remember <byte>[-<byte>] [<addr> <addr>]

Clears the matches and stores a new set of matches in the memory range. Identical to match C[lear]

forget command:

forget Clears the match buffer, same as match C[lear]

match command:

match <byte>[-<byte>] [<addr> <addr>] C[lear] F[ilter] T[race] W[atch] Match will compare the byte range within the address range to a stored list of previous matched addresses. byte range can be prefixed with '!' for inverted range.

If the list had previous matches it will print out the addresses that current match.

Controls: (must be after byte/address range)

Example: find all values between 3 and 5 and clear the list:

match 3-5 clear

Find all remembered values that are no longer between 3 and 5 within an address range, filter the list from previous results

match !3-5 $1000-$8000 filter

Find all remembered values that are equal to 2, filter the list and add a watch store to each

match 2 filter watch

poke command:

poke <addr>,<byte>  Store a byte in a specific memory location, VICE  does not need to be in a break state for this command.  addr and byte can expressions so if you have loaded  relevant symbols you can f.e. poke VICREGS+32, 3+2

VICE text monitor