Ice Bro Lite

Extended manual for Ice Bro Lite

Project maintained by Sakrac Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



Toolbar View

The toolbar consists of buttons that controls the debugger and VICE such as Go/Stop, Step, Load a program/disk/cartridge or reload (a reload will clean VICE so you can iterate your code and start over without restarting VICE). Connect will attach the debugger to an existing instance of VICE, Start VICE will try to start a new instance of VICE.

Code View

Code View

Watch View

Watch View

Console View

Ice Console Manual Page

Graphics View

Graphics View Page

Breakpoint View

Breakpoint View Page

Trace View

Tracepoints have their own view as they are not stopping VICE but are counted.

Trace View

Each Tracepoints has an ID and in the Trace View there is a dropdown to select a trace to display. This includes which address the trace was hit, the PC when it was hit, line & cycle and an estimated frame from the first trace. The frame number is currently assuming European PAL timing.

A tooltip will show disassembly, registers and flags when the mouse cursor hovers above a trace sample.

Since the binary monitor protocol doesn’t include all the same info as the text monitor protocol the list of breakpoints must first be listed in the Vice Console to generate the trace output. Type “bk” in the Vice Console to do this.

Memory View

Review and edit bytes in the memory view.

Memory View

The memory view is fairly standard, type an address or enter an expression or drag a symbol to the window tab to view memory at that location. The number of bytes per line depends on the width of the window unless there is a value in the span field.

Click on any byte to start editing hex values and use cursor keys to move the cursor, page up/down to move half a screen each keypress.

Register View

Edit Registers

In this view you can quickly check the current registers and flags and also edit them while VICE is stopped. Just click on any value and edit, cursor left/right to navigate when editing is active. Press Esc to stop editing.

Screen View

The screen view is a little redundant but for my own convenience I tend to forget exactly how the screen looks in VICE when I break it and VICE may be hidden behind the debugger window so I can just look at this view instead of switching between windows. This image is generated by VICE so it includes all the raster changes that the Graphics View can not pick up.

Symbol View

Symbols include both simple constants and memory addresses so there are often a lot more symbols to keep track of than you can remember. For that purpose there is a search feature in the symbol browser to help quickly get to draggable symbols.


You can drag any symbol from this table into the tab of the Code View to look at code at that address, or the Memory View to look at memory, or to the Breakpoint View to add a breakpoint at that address, along with several other text fields. I’m updating the targets as I figure out what is useful.

You can leave any search field (Search/start/end) empty to leave the search open ended.

Regular expression tokens include:

Section View


This view controls which sections (or segments) are enabled for symbols and source debugging.