Ice Bro Lite

Extended manual for Ice Bro Lite

Project maintained by Sakrac Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Ice Bro Lite is a visual GUI debugger that connects to the VICE C64 emulator (version 3.5 and higher).

It works by connecting to the Binary Monitor in VICE, and for some features the Remote Text Monitor. This tool can be downloaded for Windows and compiled for Linux and Mac.

The latest version of VICE can be downloaded from here.

IceBro Lite Window


  1. Updated Features
  2. Set up Ice Bro Lite
  3. Command Line Options
  4. Customizing the debugger windows
  5. Start Debugging
  7. Numeric Expressions
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. History

Feedback is always welcome

I’d love to hear thoughts about IceBro Lite and ways to improve it, for instance on twitter @spacemoguls.

Snow Bro